Lee Cheuk-yan 李卓人
Lee Cheuk-yan 李卓人
Co-founder and former Chairperson of the Labour Party
Date of Birth: February 12,1 957
Gender: Male
Imprisoned On
Lee Cheuk-yan is a prominent figure in Hong Kong’s labor movement and democracy advocacy who dedicated over four decades to championing workers’ rights and democratic values. He graduated from the University of Hong Kong in 1978. [1] Instead of pursuing a career in civil engineering, he chose to serve grassroots workers in his early role, providing support to injured workers and their families in industrial accidents. [2] Lee later joined the Hong Kong Christian Industrial Committee, playing a crucial role in organizing workers demanding fair treatment amid economic transformations. [3]
As Lee became increasingly involved in social and democratic movements, he transitioned into politics and was elected as a lawmaker in 1995. Re-electing four times, he served the Legislative Council for over 20 years. [4] Lee was not only the General Secretary of the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (香港職工會聯盟) but also the co-founder of the Labour Party (工黨). [5] Throughout his political career, he remained a resolute advocate for the underprivileged, emphasizing the empowerment of the poor and oppressed.
The turning point in Lee’s life came during the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989. He traveled to Beijing, representing the people of Hong Kong, to support strike students, witnessing the atrocities first-hand. This experience solidified his commitment to telling the truth about June 4th, even if it meant personal sacrifices. He was detained by Chinese authorities and compelled to sign a confession letter before being released to Hong Kong. [6] Lee has since remained a standing committee member of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China (香港市民支援愛國民主運動聯合會; Hong Kong Alliance), actively promoting democratic reform in China. [7]
Lee actively participated in the 2019 pro-democracy movement, leading him to face another three charges for unauthorized assemblies in June 2020. He endured a total of 20 months in prison due to his involvement in peaceful protests, including three rallies in 2019 and the June 4 vigil. [8] After serving his sentences, he currently remains in pre-trial detention under a National Security Law charge of “inciting subversion” related to his role in the Hong Kong Alliance. [9] The National Security Police froze HK$ 2.2 million in Alliance assets. [10]
Photos: Lee Cheuk-yan Facebook
“Inciting subversion” under the National Security Law
Sep. 9, 2021: charged, along with the Alliance itself. The National Security police froze HK$ 2.2 million in assets of the Alliance.
Sep. 10, 2021: Pled not guilty
Organizing and Participating in unauthorized assemblies on Aug. 18, Aug. 31, Oct. 1, 2019, and June 4, 2020.
February —June 2020: Arrested for three times on four separate charges
April 2020—November 2021: Pled guilty to all four charges
April—December 2021: Sentenced to a total of 20 months
Participating in prohibited group gathering’ under COVID-19 restrictions for a protest on Labour Day, May 1, 2020:
Nov. 2, 2021: Trial began
Mar. 10, 2021: Sentenced to 14 days in jail
Oct. 18, 2022: Appeal rejected by High Court
“Flying a balloon in controlled airspace” and “Obstructing police” on Jan. 1, 2021:
Jan. 1, 2021: Arrested
Aug. 3, 2021: Pled not guilty
Apr. 28, 2022: Convicted and sentenced to 3 weeks in jail, 2 weeks to run concurrently with current sentences, and HK$3,500 fine.
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 78923, Mong Kok Post Office
1/F, Mongkok Exchange, 37 Bute Street,
Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
(**Attention to Kitty)