Press Releases and Statements

CFHK projected images onto the iconic Guggenheim Museum in New York to raise awareness of the regime

September 29, 2022

The CFHK Foundation

28 September 2022 – On the evening of Monday, 26 September, the Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong illuminated the iconic Guggenheim Museum in New York with provocative images to highlight the Chinese Communist Party’s brutal tactics against its own citizens in China and Hong Kong. These illuminations come in advance of what promises to be a momentous and ominous October. China celebrates its national day on October 1; October 16 marks the opening of the Party Congress meetings, where Xi is expected to be anointed for an unprecedented third term. Two high-profile prosecutions are also moving forward later in the month, including the trial of Cardinal Zen and yet another sentencing of Jimmy Lai.

The Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong projected these images as part of a series of illuminations in the United States and the United Kingdom that draw attention to the CCP’s crackdown on Hong Kong, a city that until recently stood as a bastion of freedom. CFHK also stands in solidarity with Tibetans, Uyghurs, and millions of others who are suffering under CCP rule.

CFHK President, Mark Clifford, said:

“The CFHK is committed to the fight for freedom and democracy in China and Hong Kong. We will not stop campaigning to bring attention to China’s crackdown on democracy and freedoms in Hong Kong, as well as Xinjiang and Tibet.

“On Communist China’s October 1 national day, call on the international community to stand for freedom and democracy in Hong Kong and throughout China. These projections are a reminder of the criminal, inhuman actions of the Chinese Communist Party and serve as a reminder that the resistance to CCP brutality is global. Together we must show Beijing that its behavior will not be tolerated.”

Video here.

About CFHK

The Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong presses for political and economic consequences for China’s failure to keep its promises to respect Hong Kong’s freedoms; supports the rule of law, freedom of expression, and the release of political prisoners; and urges the business community to stand against China’s assault on freedom and the danger it poses to Hong Kong’s status as an international financial centre. Hong Kong’s fate is linked to the preservation of freedom, democracy, and international law in the region and around the world.

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