
Prioritizing the Protection of Religious Freedom in Hong Kong: Washington DC (January 26, 2023)

Victims of Communism Memorial, Washington DC
January 26, 2023
Co-hosted with the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation

Featured Speakers

Nury Turkel, Chair at United States Commission on International Religious Freedom and Uyghur-American Lawyer


Ambassador Andrew Bremberg, President at Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation


Ambassador James Cunningham, Chairman of the Board at Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong Foundation


Olivia Enos, Washington Director at Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong Foundation


The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has a long track record of persecuting persons of faith. Now that the long arm of the CCP has reached into Hong Kong, many fear that religious repression is on the horizon, if not already at the city-state’s doorstep. Join us for a conversation about the current state of religious freedom in Hong Kong and China to learn more about how the U.S. and the international community can respond to safeguard religious freedom as it is under threat.


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